Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obama Slobbering Media

In a new low, even for the OSM, ABC will broadcast from within the White House on the Obama health reforms.

ABC will not allow any alternative point of view, either by way of having a guest commentator on the program, or by taking paid advertising which differs from the White House view.

With the change of President, the OSM has moved from talking truth to power to being the chief government propagandists. This is a sad day indeed for free speech.

Funnily enough I am finding it difficult to link to a critical story on this issue in the OSM.

1 comment:

  1. Because Obama is Right, and this is an objective truth apparent to all concerned :p

    The problem SB, is that most American commentators who are critical of any move towards universal healthcare aren't reasonable thinkers who will advance logical arguments. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the vast majority of the American right is ruthlessly dishonest and partisan when it comes to public commentary. In Australia we might have Tony Abbott on Q and A and actually find it interesting. In the US, anyone associated with the GOP would blather nonsense about Stalinism and anyone from the non-GOP conservative movement would be an extreme minority view.
