Monday, September 7, 2009

Scientology Secrets

The Scientology cult is quite happy to trash free speech to protect itself from scrutiny and criticism. Here are the recommendations in its submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission:

Recommendation 1: The implementation of Criminal and Civil Restrictions on Religious Vilification.

Recommendation 2: Restriction on Anonymity on acts of Religious Vilification:

2.1 Websites created with primary purpose of inciting religious vilification shall be removed or their access to the Australian public restricted.

2.2 Creators of websites whose primary purpose is the incitement of religious vilification shall be prevented from concealing their identity.

Recommendation 3: Restriction on Religious Misinformation and Misrepresentation known or reasonably known to be untruthful in the Media

Recommendation 4: Include a form of Bill or Charter of Rights into the Australian Constitution, which prevents the Commonwealth from making any law, which ‘directly, indirectly or incidentally’ prohibits the free exercise of religion to the extent of such prohibition.

This pathological perversion of religion wants to be left to fester in the dark recesses of society. The last thing it wants is informed discussion of its questionable methods and ridiculous doctrines.


  1. Love the fact that they capitalized 'anonymity'. I wonder what they could be thinking....

  2. Let's not kid ourselves though - Christianity and Scientology are not so far removed from one another.
