Sunday, September 20, 2009

Don't Offend Muslims

Apparently if someone is offended because Muhammad is referred to as a 'warlord' the UK police will arrest the perpetrators.

Not with a bang but a whimper, European civilisation is now groveling at the feet of a hideous 7th century religion. This is what happens when a relativistic culture, not even sure of its own values, and without even the self-confidence to reproduce itself, meets a vigourous self-confidant cult.



  2. As opposed to grovelling to a 1st century religion or one from BC. Eventually all religions will be seen for what they are - fraud.

    In the mean time we'll have silly laws like the one in the UK.

  3. No ideology has the right to trample on free speech. I thought that this battle was won with the decline of blasphemy laws 20 odd years ago. Sadly the thought police are making a come-back in their various guises.
