Friday, December 11, 2009

Climate Fascists

AGW is an ideology promoted by bully-boy tactics and a consistent refusal to debate the issues. Most supporters are unable to carry the conversation past their blind belief in the "science". They are hopelessly ignorant of the main arguments.

It is not surprising to find radical climate fanatics asserting their right to protest includes the right to shut down free speech of others.

It's not just the radical kooks but alleged intellectuals like David Suzuki who would like to jail those he disagrees with.

The Danes are doing their bit by selling out the Dalai Lama in the hope the Chinese will get on board the train of climate madness.

In Australia the CSIRO is no longer a scientific body. It tried to prevent a scientist publishing a paper which didn't conform to government policy. The scientist, Dr Clive Spash, had the integrity to resign rather than be cowed by these fascists.

It is also not surprising to find that the leading 'scientists' promoting the AGW agenda conspiring to silence scientists who disagree with them in the Climategate emails.

Google, of course, is doing its bit by limiting prompts to "climategate" search enquiries.

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