It is quite clear that for Obama and the Obama Slobbering Media, speculation about the motivation of the Foot Hood killer is fine so long as it doesn't include speculation about any possible religious motivation, despite the fact that there are many clues pointing in that direction. Some of these are canvassed in this Time piece.
Obama said:
It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. But this much we do know - no faith justifies these murderous and craven acts; no just and loving God looks upon them with favor. And for what he has done, we know that the killer will be met with justice - in this world, and the next.
Sounds like wishful thinking.
The hapless president implored people not to rush to judgment. This is typical. Every time a muslim perpetrates and atrocity on the basis of their religious beliefs, a cry goes out eliciting sympathy for muslims who might be subject to a backlash. Just like when a christian shoots an abortionist the cry goes out for fear of an anti-chrisitian backlash, or not. A little more concern for identifying the cause of the atrocity and the steps necessary to prevent it happening again would be in order, even if it means considering an (in this case) obvious, but unmentionable cause.
The U.S. Army Chief of Staff, George Casey, likewise seemed primarily concerned about the safety of Muslims, not about the safety of the potential victims of the next jihad attack: "I'm concerned that this increased speculation could cause a backlash against some of our Muslim soldiers. And I've asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that." Not "I'm concerned that there could be another jihadist among our Muslim soldiers. And I've asked our Army leaders to be on the lookout for that."
Some of the excuses include stress (I assume it was some form of pre-traumatic stress disorder as he hadn't deployed yet), peeling a bumper sticker off his car, that he snapped or that he was "nuts".
In fact Major Hasan explained what the motivations of a muslim might be in a powerpoint presentation (we love death more than you love life).
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