Thursday, August 13, 2009

Utterly Gutless

Now it seems a prestigious university is too scared to publish a book about the Danish cartoon controversy which actually shows the cartoons themselves, or any other representation of Muhammad. Apparently the editor didn't want blood on his hands.

If there was any blood, it would not be on his hands, but on the hands of the murderous fanatics bent on dictating to speech laws to the rest of the world. Whatever their religion is, it is not a religion of peace.


  1. I wonder how said cartoons would fare under Australian anti-hate speech laws. Personally I find it ridiculous that the precious Islamic community can't handle such satire.

  2. I think the Courier-Mail was the only newspaper to publish the cartoons.

    My view is that freedom unexercised is freedom lost. What we see all to often is cases of self-censorship like this where Yale is to afraid to exercise its right to publish in a situation which clearly warranted publication.
