Look, everyone knows that the PM has a temper, particularly regarding those who don't show him sufficient deference, but this is well beyond the brown tongue stage. It is now clear that we will see a stinking brown head if the ABC can bring itself to remove its noggin from the PM's rectum.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
ABC Shills Again
In a completely unsurprising development the ABC website is, as usual, framing the news as one would expect of ALP stooges:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Thug Cartel Smacked Down
The entertainment industry cartel has lost its case against internet service provider iiNet. The movie industry plaintiffs tried to hold iiNet responsible for the actions of its users who allegedly downloaded pirated movies. In a huge victory for common sense, Justice Cowdroy said:
"It is impossible to conclude that iiNet has authorised copyright infringement ... (it) did not have relevant power to prevent infringements occurring,"
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Corrupt Government Run Media
Today Tony Abbott released a new Coalition Climate policy today.
As one would expect government stooges at the ABC presented their political Masters' view of events:
This is nothing more than government funded advertising for .. who would have guessed it .. the Government. I'm feeling sick to the stomach at this blatant partisanship. The ABC 'journalists' responsible for this outrage should pay the cost of the advertisement out of their own pockets.

News.com.au, the Age and the SMH reported it on their websites as a straight news story:
Monday, February 1, 2010
Boss Hogg In Adelaide
In a measure designed to limit free speech at election time South Australian Premier (and grub in chief) Mike Rann has attempted to censor political speech on the internet.
Clearly his ego has gotten the better of his judgment and is driving this naked emperor to drag Adelaide down to the level of a redneck backwater where no one is game to speak out against the powers that be.
Update: The proposal has now been dropped following vigorous public antipathy.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Police Visit
UK blogger Seismic Shock has received a visit from the local Bobbies because a bully-boy clergyman had his feelings hurt. Predictably the story has now spread far and wide.
It is indeed ironic that as anti-semitism becomes more rampant than ever, those calling out anti-semites and their enablers are being hassled by the constabulary who are assuming the role of thought police.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Climate Fascists
AGW is an ideology promoted by bully-boy tactics and a consistent refusal to debate the issues. Most supporters are unable to carry the conversation past their blind belief in the "science". They are hopelessly ignorant of the main arguments.
It is not surprising to find radical climate fanatics asserting their right to protest includes the right to shut down free speech of others.
It's not just the radical kooks but alleged intellectuals like David Suzuki who would like to jail those he disagrees with.
The Danes are doing their bit by selling out the Dalai Lama in the hope the Chinese will get on board the train of climate madness.
In Australia the CSIRO is no longer a scientific body. It tried to prevent a scientist publishing a paper which didn't conform to government policy. The scientist, Dr Clive Spash, had the integrity to resign rather than be cowed by these fascists.
It is also not surprising to find that the leading 'scientists' promoting the AGW agenda conspiring to silence scientists who disagree with them in the Climategate emails.
Google, of course, is doing its bit by limiting prompts to "climategate" search enquiries.
Climate Fascists,
Dalai Lama
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Decrypt Or Die
A UK man has been jailed for not decrypting his computer:
The first person jailed under draconian UK police powers that Ministers said were vital to battle terrorism and serious crime has been identified by The Register as a schizophrenic science hobbyist with no previous criminal record.His crime was a persistent refusal to give counter-terrorism police the keys to decrypt his computer files.
The 33-year-old man, originally from London, is currently held at a secure mental health unit after being sectioned while serving his sentence at Winchester Prison.
Australia has similar laws in s3LA of the Crimes Act 1914 and s201A of the Customs Act 1901. Failure to comply can result in a penalty of up to 6 months imprisonment.
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